• Libertyville Business Grants

    Offer Valid: 05/05/2024 - 12/31/2024

    Libertyville Business Grant Application Period Opens for Fiscal Year 2024/25

    Applications are currently being accepted for two local business grant programs aimed strengthening the business community. The Village initiated both the Business Resiliency and Façade & Property Enhancement grant programs last year and has already approved several projects for funding. Businesses have requested funds for new website development, new online sale platforms, to add kitchen equipment for expanded menu offerings, to build new product displays, and to add new activity areas.  These and other enhancements may be considered for funding to help businesses expand and improve their customer offerings.
    Interested businesses should refer to the grant information page at www.Libertyville.com/BusinessGrants (or follow the QR code) to download the program application booklet. Approved projects will receive reimbursement upon completion. As projects are intended to be business enhancements which facilitate growth, please understand that maintenance, replacement, operational, and previously completed project costs cannot be considered. The application deadline is ongoing subject to funding availability. 
    The two grant programs available, include:
    • Business Resiliency Grant: Designed to encourage existing business growth, expansion and sustainability through matching grants of up to $5000, and is limited to customer facing, sales tax producing entities. Potential uses include, but are not limited to, online sales platform development, marketing program development, equipment acquisition, new projecting signage, green/sustainable enhancements, etc.
    • Facade & Property Enhancement Grant: Provides funding towards improvements to dated or deteriorated existing facades or site conditions on commercial buildings in certain commercially zoned districts outside the downtown (includes C-2 & C-3), and will include matching grants up to $25,000. Projects approved for funding will have 12 months for completion.
    Businesses interested in applying are encouraged to contact the Village’s Economic Development Manager at 847-918-2000 to discuss their potential project.

    This Hot Deal is promoted by GLMV Chamber of Commerce.